Paris, April 25-26, 1999
Present at the meeting: Joseph Bell (University of Bergen), Arvi Hurskainen
(University of Helsinki), Victoria Rosén (University of Bergen),
Koenraad de Smedt (University of Bergen), Jacques Souillot (CRIM-INALCO,
1. Work on the chapter for the handbook
The meeting took as a starting point the outline proposed for the chapter
and the various materials which are referred to in this.
After discussing the structure and contents, a first draft of a text
for the chapter was proposed.
2. Fourth year dissemination/exploitation activities
The participants discussed the possibilities for specific dissemination
or exploitation activities in a fourth year extension of the project. Dissemination
targeted at specific groups, such as students and teaching staff, would
be desirable. Also the inclusion of areas which were insufficiently addressed,
including other non-European languages such as Chinese and Indian languages,
is to be considered. Possibilities for dissemination forms could possibly
include media such as CD-rom and languages other than English.