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Brussels, October 21-24, 1998
Present at the meeting: Bell, J. - University of Bergen, Hurskainen, A. - Uni Helsinki, Janssens, B., Gregoire, C. - ULB, Kabuta, Ngo S. - RUG, Mann, M. - SOAS, Mous, M. - RUL, Souillot, J., Karangwa, J. -INALCO, Toscano, M. - IUO, Wolff, E. - Uni Leipzig
The meeting was in cooperation with CAMEEL.
Thursday 22 october 1998 (10 am - 1 pm)
1. Discussion about the content of the dossier
2. Discussion about the definition of an European Master
3. Discussion about an agreement letter
1. CAMEEL dossier
1) the accompagnying letter is not written yet, but this will not give some problems. Maddalena will take responsability of it.
2) agreement letter: see 3.
3) Maddalena has prepared dissemination material to present CAMEEL (CD-power point). It contains informations on the structure of CAMEEL and the models based on Arvi's proposal. The dissemination may happen by way of CD. For general representation it must be revised and shortened.
4) the leaflet was prepared in Naples (May), but it should be combined with the European Master in Human Right and Democratization - leaflet
5+6) study package: student guide and modules as prepared by Arvi in June.
7) Until now we don't have any forms. We only have a checklist made by Maddalena. She got some information and forms of other degrees from the International Bureau in Naples. These forms however are not appropriated to our Master. So we have to prepare an own application form for our Master (data from the students and information about the prerequisites). There was a discussion about the problem of fees. There should be available a box for fees which has to be empty and local universitities have to decide about the filling of it. The discussion is not closed yet.
8) the budget: we have decided not to prepare a budget. We will call it funding. We have to use sources from the universities and from SOCRATES (number of contract).
9) the CAMEEL report from questionnaire. It was made by the INALCO. It must be a reduced version for the dossier.
10) the CAMEEL connections: - NEL subgroup in ACO*HUM
11) the list of partners of CAMEEL. It should be added.
12) (former 11) THE CAMEEL STORY
This CAMEEL story will only be included in a dossier for internal use and for EU-commission and for external circulation.
The dossier will appear in two versions: paper and CD-ROM.
2. Definition of European Master
We don't have a clear information on this problem, but we have to explain our Master in terms of credits and modules. (CAMEEL has 120 credit points.) The problem of recognizing the master is only secondary.
3. Agreement Letter
- In the agreement letter we won't mention the problem of financing. It will be very short letter accompagnying the dossier.
- We need a full schedule for the implementation of the program (who is teaching and where?) (Baudouin). We should not fix if the modules are taught in an intensive program or a normal program (Arvi).
- question of the form of certification: level 1 and 2 are not necessarily specified in the final certification, while a detailled overview of level 3 is indispensable. Baudouin will inquire the possibilities of building up a certification. Maarten will check the standards for such a certification in Amsterdam.
- the agreement letter will only mention the necissity of these forms. The local universities which sign the agreement letter will settle the final questions on the certification.
- at the end of april 1999 the agreement letter should have to be signed by the universities which want to take part.
- The universities have to agree that they can offer the first level. They have to accept that the master's degree is composed of different modules. They must recognize the courses thaught in other universities.
- Firstly a basic agreement letter will be written to the universities. They will give us their remarks, which can be brought together for a final version. We have to take into account the national situation of every university.
- We have to take into account that the large universities as SOAS and INALCO will participate to assure the good working of the Master. They have to check which conditions are to be fulfilled for their participation.
Thursday 22 october 1998 (2 pm - 7 pm)
1. The CAMEEL dossier
The CAMEEL dossier will consist of two forms: the light one and the extended one, according to the destiny. Who is doing what?1) Maddalena will prepare the draft of the accompanying letter. 2) The agreement letter will be prepared for tomorrow and afterwards it will be sent to partner institutions. (cf. the list which is established during this meeting, see leaflet later on). The agreement letter should have to contain all the good arguments to urge the universities to cooperate.
3) Presenting CAMEEL: the presentation made by Maddalena will be adjusted by CRIM. Remarks from the participants to this meeting are welcome during the demonstration, which will be done tomorrow.
4) Leaflet: it will be revised by CRIM and it is important to note that from now on CAMEEL consists of two groups of partners:
- funded institutions: IUO, Helsinki, RUL, ULB, SOAS, INALCO, Hamburg, Nice, Liepzig, Vienna, Zurich, and Berlin.
- participating institutions: RUG, ILC (Pisa), Bergen
It won't be necessary to mention in the leaflet the number of students admitted to the master. The number would be between 10 and 15 students, 12 being the ideal.
5) Study guide and modules: while preparing the final draft of the dossier, one has to check if the numbers in the study guide correspond to the numbers in the study modules.
6) Application form: it has to be composed by CAMEEL and proposed then to the different universities ("bureau des equivalences") which will decide on the students access to the Master's. The university authorities may consult the local CAMEEL correspondent for more practical guidance if necessary.
To have a better presentation of the application form, Arvi and Jacques will have look at the organisational experiences of the Master in Computational Linguistics in Ireland and Maarten will look for more information at NAFFIC(NL).
2. Implementation of the modules.
1) Study modules: the total extent of the Master's course is 1960 hours which is equated to 112 ECTS instead of 90 ECTS as mentioned previously.
2) Teaching material: some of them are (almost) ready, but most of them are still in progress:
a) Introduction to African linguistics : Baudouin hopes to have it ready this winter after a working week with Maddalena in Naples.
b) Phonetics, Phonology, Tonology, Orthography of African Languages : Claire Grégoire finished a handwritten version and even a part of it (20 pages) is typed.
c) Morphology and Syntax of African languages : work in progress
d) Lexicography and Lexical Semantics : an extended outline is ready
e) Historical and Comparaive Linguistics : Maddalena will ask Giorgo about the progress
f) Dialectology and Sociolinguistics : work in progress. An extended outline is expected before Christmas.
The course Introduction to African Linguistics made by Maarten in Dutch has been translated into English and Baudouin will send a copy of it to Ines.
A deadline for all the teaching material is: end of april 1999, which also is the dead line for the agreement letter.
In order to allow Maddalena to compose the application renewal dossier before the 15th of november, the above mentioned persons should send her a copy or a draft of their teaching material before the 9th of november. One can send them through CILA progetti archives. Joseph Bell suggets to use the special phonetic fonts which are used in the Bergen university: see http.//www.uib.no/jais (downloadable).
For the future Arvi suggests to make an appeal to CILA homepage in Naples
(Maddalena will circulate the new password to all partners) and to create
a CAMEEL discussion group (CAMEEL-L) within CRIM-INALCO. This will facilitate
the discussion of certain matters without the need of waiting for a new
Lev. | Mod | Module title | Content |
1 | 5 | Introduction to African linguistics | Materials from M. Toscano (it.)
Material from M. Mous Translation in Eng. By Bruxelles |
6 | Phonetics, phonology, tonology and orthography of African languages | Tonology, from E. Wolff
Manuscript, by C. Gregoire in French Afrophon, from RUL (ready in Dutch, under translation in English by M. Mous) |
7 | Morphology and syntax of African languages | Introduction to Shoe Box (by I. Fiedler) | |
8 | Lexicography and lexical semantics | General plan by M. Mous (work in progress) | |
9 | Historical and comparative linguistics | Course on history, phonology and comparative methods, by B. Jannsens (in French.) | |
10 | Dialectology and socio-linguistics | -------, by G. Banti | |
2 | 18 | ODL teaching techniques | ALI-AKAN |
3. Information on meeting with Ms. Gutierrez, SOCRATES TAO - CDA
Brief information of Maddalena and Baudouin on their meeting Mr. Guttierez.
Generally they can look back on a positive visit. The most important matter which must be retained is the flexibility in the use of the funds allocated to the participating universities. Since the money which is not used must be given back to E.U., it is absolutely necessary to spend it. The money can be freely exchanged between the different universities within the CAMEEL frame (p.e. paying invoices, travelling,...). Baudouin will get in touch with Nicolai (Nice) and Ekkehard will do the same with Roland Kiessling (Hamburg) and Walter Schicho (Vienna) to inform them on the arranged procedure.
4. Report 1997/98 CDA-CAMEEEL activities
5. Introduction to African linguistics
6. Phonetics, phonology, tonology and orthography of African languages
7. Morphology and syntax of African languages, and either
8. Lexicography and lexical semantics, or
9. Historical and comparative linguistics, or
10. Dialectology and socio-linguistics.
Setting the base for CDI EEquALL: first draft of forms
Setting the base of IP ALI-AKAN: getting the technical equipment
1. Ali-Akan
Bearth introduces the essentials of the IP Ali-Akan and he introduces the central people involved, that is Erika Eichholzer for Akan language teaching materials and Hannes Hirzel for the computer implementation. The basic idea of Ali-Akan is to offer Introductory African Language courses through Internet starting with Akan, reflecting the cooperation between Zuerich and Legon on the Akan dictionary.
Outline of the course:
A. Intensive course in Berlin from Friday 9th - Saterday 17th of April 1999 concentrating on phonetics, phonology and procedures. The course is open for students and teacher-supervisors.
B. Regular study till July , 5, 1999 with weekly reports, exercices, dialogues, chats through Internet webpage, e-mail correspondence, use the multimedia CD-rom and meetings with the local supervisor. The exercices will make use of the computerised text material and dictionary that is already under development. The cd-rom will offer the possibilities of self control through auto-feedback. Bell suggests to make use of the persnal language lab available through Linguaphone (roughly 150 ecu)
C. Exam week: Monday 5 - Friday 9, 1999. The exam will be both oral and written using e-mail, internet, post and phone.
D: Evaluation Feedback in both directions is essetial.
Credits: Assuming 6-8 hours preparation each week, the work load is estimated to be 160 hours and 8 ECTS.
Participants need access to a computer with cd-rom and internet connection. The system works best under windows 95. Eventually it should also run using a Mac. The fonts will work under both systems.
Possible expansion of the course in the area of linguistic issues in Akan was suggested but not discussed. A follow-up for participants could be in the area of Akan lexicography.
The preparation phase will include a test run with the participating universities in January. By january it should be clear who is actually participating and the participants will receive detailed information.
The official participants are: Zuerich, Napoli, Berlin, INALCO, Koeln Hamburg, Leipzig, Trondheim, Helsinki, SOAS. The administrative and financial centres are Zuerich and Napoli. Students from Leiden can participate by the distribution of funds administrated in Napoli. Sofar Leiden (3), Hamburg (1), Helsinki (2), Leipzig (1), Napoli (1) have shown interest to participate.
Napoli has received 7260 ecus from which the intensive week in Berlin should be payed, including travel costs and accomodation of the participants.
Zuerich has received 5602 ecu for production of the material. They lack 6000 ecus for the employment of an assistent to develop the teaching material.
Funds that are left-over from the first category will be used for this in the form of "Werkvertrag". We will try to save on the intensive week in Berlin; one way that was suggested is that institutions who want to send a teacher to Berlin use their CAMEEL money for that. Baudouin objects to the idea that CAMEEL money would be used for Ali-Akan.
Link with CAMEEL: The ODL course for Akan can fuction as an example in CAMEEL module 18 for ODL.
Future: Bearth has applied for a CDA program Advanced Akan for 1999/2000.
In the future the Akan by internet course should start earlier in the year to allow those universities that have a reletively early academic year (SOAS for example) to participate. Eventually particiation could be run as regular Socrates student mobility.
Essential information will soon be available under: www.spw.unizh.ch/afrling/aliakan
- travel costs (approximately): 12 (students) x 150 ECU 1800 ECU
- stay in Berlin 8 night stays 12 (students) x 40 ECU 480 ECU daily allowance 12 x 9 (days) x 12,5 ECU 1350 ECU
travel in Berlin 12 x 21 ECU 252 ECU
- secretarial costs 250 ECU
- student work 50 (hours) x 9 ECU 450 ECU
total 4582 ECU
We dispose of 7260 ECU.
ECU's left 2678 ECU
The ECU's left will be given to Zurich for the teaching materials.
2. EEquALL = Europan Equavalences of African Languages and Linguistics.
The purpose is to establish equivalences of courses in particular of language courses. Area specialists will be responsible for the collection of information about the details of the courses that are offered in Europe. The following duties were divided -note those who cannot take up this responsability will look for a replacemnt and will transfer money to that person/institute.
Swahili: Ridder Samson SOAS
Hausa: Ines Fiedler Berlin
Amharic: Hamburg
Zulu: Michael Mann SOAS
Bambara and other languages: Cologne
Somali: Mauro Tosco Napoli
Sociolinguistics: Ekkehard Leipzig
Historical linguistics: Nicolai Nice
Lexicography: Maarten Leiden
Morphology: Arvi Helsinki
Phonology/Intro to AfrLing: ULB / Vienna.
There is a form available on the website in Napoli (details follow) which can be used to enter the basic information on the various courses.
The first global meeting of EEquALL will be in Januari in Lisboa.
Area specialists communicate through e-mail about the collection of information.
Agenda: information from the Bergen COnference and NEL activities
Chairman: J. Bell
1. Next Meetings
It was decided that the Eequall and Cameel meetings should be separated:
1.1 Eequall: Thursday 28th - Sunday 31st January 1999, in Lisboa
Cameel must be given priority, because the third year was entered yet, while for Eequall the first year just started.
Most participants: young enthousiastic people not knowing much about what the computer can do for the humanities. Needed: people from the computiation linguistics & SGML language.
Content of the chapter: what is needed and recommendations (overview of what is known, information notes, masters degree)
2.2 Proposed editor: J. Souillot, since he has at his disposal the required data on use of technologies in various languages in the EU.
2.3 Meeting to finalize the form of the chapter, analyze situation and make recommendations: Paris, 22th-25th April 1999.
Participants: J. Souillot, M. Toscano, J. Bell, M. Mous (?)
3. Discussion of the Budget (E. Wolff)
3.1 Cf. annexed document (Budget Cameel 98/99)
Report approved.
Baudouin and Ekkehard will contact the universities which did not spend their money. It is proposed that responsible people should contact accountancy of their universities and explain them what is planned.
At March meeting, balance will be made; other balance will be made by e-mail end of April.
Rem.: 1) The available money should be spent before September. Actually, orders should be made before end of June, but bills can be submitted between June and September.
2) To be kept in mind: the institution has a right on 10% of the budget and might ask for it!
4. Budget CAMEEL 98/99
Total funds received ECU 37.400
1. Coordination NAP ECU 1100
extra NAP ECU 1000
2. Support CRIM ?
3. Travel Oct. Meeting ECU 8.000
4. Travel March '99 NAP ECU 8.000
5. 6 modules (2.000) ECU 12.000
6. 8 secretearial costs à 150 ECU 1.200
open ECU 6.100
Inst. | assigned | travel | secretarial | modules | Total | balance |
IUO | 4.400 | 2.000 | 2.250 | 1.000 | 5.250 | - 850 |
HEL | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | 2.000 | 4.150 | - 850 |
RUL | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | 2.000 | 4.150 | - 850 |
ULB | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | 3.000 | 4.150 | - 1.850 |
SOAS | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | --- | 2.150 | + 1.150 |
LEIPZIG | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | 2.000 | 4.150 | - 850 |
NICE | 3.300 | -- | -- | --- | --- | + 3.300 |
HAMB | 3.300 | -- | -- | --- | --- | + 3.300 |
WIEN | 3.300 | -- | -- | --- | --- | + 3.300 |
BERL | 3.300 | 2.000 | 150 | 2.000 | 4.150 | - 850 |
Cf. Example prepared by Michael Mann and Maddalena Toscano
Name of degree: Computer Application in Modern Extra-European Languages
Meeting closed at 17.35 N.S. Kabuta
1. Letter of Agreement
European Masters in
Computer Application in Modern Extra-European Languages(CAMEEL)
We welcome the proposal for a degree programme leading to the European Masters in Computer Application in Modern Extra-European Languages
and extend our support for the degree in principle.
We are willing to accept registrations for the degree to be taught jointly between our university and other universities in the participating group.
We are able to offer courses of which details are annexed to meet the requirements of levels 1 and 2 (other courses may be fulfilled by teaching elsewhere or by intensive programmes).
We are ready to enter into bilateral agreements under SOCRATES with partner institutions for OMS,TS and IPs necessary to complete the teaching programme.
We are willing to confer the degree of European Masters in
Computer Application in Modern Extra-European Languages(CAMEEL)
on students who have met the requirements of the degree.
signed _______________
on behalf of _______________
2. Covering letter
CAMEEL: Computer Applications in Modern Extra-European Languages (CAMEEL)
The working group CAMEEL (CDA under 29410-IC-2-97-IT-ERASMUS-EPS-1) has
formulated proposals for a post-graduate degree course leading to a European Masters
in Computer Applications in Modern Extra-European Languages (CAMEEL).
We are now writing to collaborating universities and other universities with similar interests inviting their agreement to participation.
The degree extends over a minimum of two academic years.
The course is described in detail in the enclosed dossier.
We enclose a letter of agreement inviting your assent to our proposals. We would appreciate reply by the beginning of March 1999.
5. SATURDAY 24th OCTOBER : Morning session Chair:Fiedler; Rapp.: B. Janssens1. Application 99/2000We decide to maintain the application as it is. T. Bearth is going to make an application for a CDA in ALI-AKAN, but we consider it as a Swiss concern. Maddalena will add RUL to ALI-AKAN
2. Planning activities for 98/99
We decide to have one more CAMEEL meeting in Naples on 10-14 March 99.
J. Bell will be invited as obeservateur at own expenses
Ekkehard and Baudouin will contact Hamburg, Wien and Nice to urge them to participate and at least to renew their application.
Jacques Souillot will extract from the CRIM report the list of the modules which are already taught in the different Universities.and add it to the Students guide
All partners should present CAMEEL without speaking of IP's in order to obtain their agreement. If Ip's are funded by the DG XXII : all the best !
In the covering letter the reference to 120 ECTS must be dropped and replaced by the following sentence: " The degree extends over a minimum of 2 academic years"
A two weeks training should be held in September 99 in Berlin. The purpose of this training is to have teachers trained in teaching modules 13 (level 2) and 15 (level 3).
Ines will check if the right environment (Unix/Llinux) is available in Berlin;
Alternatives are: Leiden and Naples
Application | Running Cameel |
99/2000 |
00/01 |
01/02 |
02/03 |
- Further analysis will be done between January and June 99
- Announcement for the students will be put on Internet this week ( www.spw.unizh.ch/afrling/aliakan)
- Inquiries and applications should be sent to Berlin
- Applications have to be done through Faculties or Departments according to the normal SORATES procedure;
- Deadline for applications is end of January 99
- The budget of the residential part is amounting to 4582 Ecus for 12 students. This leaves a bonus of 2678 Ecus which will be transferred to Zürich for teaching material on arrangement between Naples, Berlin and Zürich