Working group coordinator:
Working group members:
Bill Black (
Department of Language Engineering
UMIST University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology
PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, England, UK
tel: +44 161 200-3096
fax: +44 161 200-3099
Marie Hayet (
Dr. Antal van den Bosch (
ILK, Center
for Language Studies
KUB Tilburg University
Postbus 90153, NL - 5000 LE Tilburg, Nederland
tel: +31 13 466-3117
fax: +31 13 466-3110
Prof. Laurence
Danlos (
de linguistique, case 7003
Université Paris 7
2, Place Jussieu, FR - 75251 Paris
cedex 05, France
tel: +33 1 4427-5696
fax: +33 1 4427-5696 / 7919
Ass. Prof. Joakim Nivre (
Department of linguistics
Göteborgs universitet
S - 412 98 Göteborg, Sverige
tel: +46 31 773-5213
fax: +46 31 773-4853
Karel Oliva (
Universität des Saarlandes
Postfach 151150, D - 66041 Saarbrücken, BRD
(Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, Gebäude
tel: + 49 681 302-4119
fax: + 49 681 302-4700
Prof. Felisa
Verdejo Maillo (
Departamento de Ingeniería
Eléctrica, Electrónica y de Control
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales
UNED Universidad Nacional de Educación
a Distancia
Ciudad Universitaria s/n, E - 28040 Madrid, España
tel: +34 91 398-6484
fax: +34 91 398-6028
Extended working group:
Updated March 4, 1999