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August 31, 1999: A publication by the network project will be distributed to all active partners.
February? 1999: NEL working group meeting, Paris.
January 8-10, 1999: CL & LE working group meeting.
December 2-3: Evaluation meeting with EEDS, Bergen.
November 23, 1998: 10th EAIE conference participation, Stockholm.
November 20, 1998: meeting with ALLC chair, London.
September 29, 1998: Fourth meeting of the Steering Committee, Bergen.
September 28: workshops; CL & LE working group meeting, Bergen.
September 26, 1998: TS working group meeting, Bergen.
September 9-12, 1998: Presentation and panel discussion at DRH '98 conference.
September 25-28, 1998: A conference on The Future of the Humanities in the Digital Age was held in Bergen.
(postponed) June-September 1998: Impact study by SCIENTER and assessment study by EEDS consultants.
(postponed) June 1998: First tentative common ground document, an intention agreement between all Core Group partners (and possibly other partners) will be signed. This document will form the basis of a final agreement to be reached by the end of the funding period of the network.
September 1997-September 1998: Conference preparation. Conference programme sent out by project office in June 1998.
May 23-31, 1998: 3rd NEL working session in Napoli. Preparations for the September conference and the start of the Masters' programme. (Joseph Bell present)
May 11-12, 1998: TNP coordinators meeting, Brussels (network coordinator present).
March 30, 1998: Renewal application sent to DG XXII.
March 26, 1998: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the conference Bringing Information Technology to Education (BITE), Maastricht. Walter Daelemans presents a paper by Koenraad de Smedt.
March 9, 1998: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the conference Making it Work: Internationalization of higher education in a European perspective, arranged by the Center for International University Cooperation (SIU), Norwegian Council of Universities.
February 6 - March 17, 1998: Preparation of ODL actions together with ELSNET.
January 30-31,?1998: 2nd NEL working session in Paris, together with the CAMEEL group, for the implementation of the master's degree.
January 29, 1998: Presentation of ACO*HUM at Nordiske Datalingvistikdage (Nodalida'98), København. Torbjørn Nordgård presents a paper by Koenraad de Smedt.
November 20-22, 1997: Participation at the EAIE conference in Barcelona (Network administrator present).
November 1-2, 1997: Policy symposium in Granada. This is a joint activity of the Steering Committee and all working groups. Includes third meeting of the Steering Committee.
October 15-16, 1997: Participation at 1st European Thematic Network Forum, Dublin, organized by THENUCE (Network Coordinator present).
October 14, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at Dublin City University and contact meeting with the TNP on university/industry cooperation in the field of computing.
October 11, 1997: 1st NEL contact meeting with CAMEEL to form NEL working group, Vico Equense (Napoli) (network coordinator present).
September 29, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at ESPRIT Information Day, Brussels (Network Coordinator present).
(participation cancelled) September 26, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the Open Seminar on Pan-European Internet Training for Language and Speech Processing, Rhodos, organized by ELSNET goes East (Network coordinator present).
September 15, 1997: TNP coordinators' meeting in Brussels. Network coordinator present.
September 14-17, 1997: Presentation at the DRH conference (Digital Resources for the Humanities), St. Anne's College, Oxford (working group on Textual Scholarship and Edition Philology).
September 5-6, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at CHArt (Computers and History of Art) 13th Annual Conference, University of Northumbria at Newcastle (working group on History of Art and Aesthetic Disciplines).
September 1997: The results of the WWW-based survey are made available to the network partners. Final reports over the first year written.
July 7-11, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the ACL/EACL conference in Madrid (working group on computational linguistics and language engineering, in cooperation with the TNP on Speech Communication Sciences and ELSNET).
July 7, 1997: Computational linguistics and language engineering working group meeting in Madrid: open meeting with the ICP on natural language processing.
June 3-7, 1997: Presentation of ACO*HUM at the ALLC-ACH conference at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (working group on Textual Scholarship and Edition Philology).
May 9-10, 1997: Second Steering Committee meeting in Bergen.
April 28, 1997: Meeting of TNP working group on new technologies in Brussels. Espen Ore participated.
April 21, 1997: Coordinator meeting with the TNP in Speech Communication Sciences and with ELSNET.
April 17, 1997: Coordinator meeting with the TNP in Arts Education (ELIA).
April 1, 1997: Renewal application sent to DG XXII.
March 6, 1997: TNP coordinators' meeting in Brussels. Network coordinator participated.
February 28, 1997: First survey started. Questionnaires sent out to all partners.
February 15, 1997: History of art and aesthetic disciplines working group meeting in Bergen.
December 19, 1996: First Steering Committee meeting in London.
December 10-11, 1996: Meeting with NorFa partners in Stockholm to apply for Nordic funding.
December 7, 1996: A presentation of ACO*HUM was given at the EAIE conference in Budapest.
December 4, 1996: Computational linguistics and language engineering working group meeting in Brussels.
December 2-3, 1996: Textual scholarship and edition philology working group meeting in London.
October 25-27, 1996: History and historical informatics working group meeting and seminar in Bergen.
September 24, 1996: TNP coordinators' meeting in Brussels. Koenraad de Smedt participated.
September 1, 1996: Official start of the TNP.