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The Socrates Thematic Networks have documented their work over the period 1996-1999 in books. Below you can download major materials.

The book Computing in the Humanities Education from the ACO*HUM network can be found on the web.

omslag.JPG (78879 bytes)

The chapters from "the Landscape of Future Education in Speech Communication Sciences"  can both be downloaded as ZIP files (Word97) and viewed directly.

Download chapters from SCS "the Landscape of Future Education in Speech Communication Sciences":

1996-1997 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL
1997-1998 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL
1998-1999 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL

The chapters also have been converted by Frontpage95 to HTML without additional editing (beware of Microsoft HTML additions and conversion imperfections). Here you can view them in a separate window:

1996-1997 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL
1997-1998 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL
1998-1999 Phonetics SLE SLT CAL

Responsible authors: Gerrit Bloothooft & Koenraad de Smedt
