prepared by Arvi Hurskainen and Victoria Rosén
We recommend more intensive exchange of scholarly resources and techniques between industry and academia. [NEL04]
We recommend that industry and academia stimulate the exchange of scholars and industrial researchers. [NEL05]
We recommend that traineeship (internship) should be part of NEL students' curricula. [NEL06]
We recommend that academia take industrial needs of recruitment into account (with consequences for curricula, job profiles and life-long learning). [NEL07]
We recommend the definition of agreed standards of co-operation with industry. [NEL08]
We recommend that the need of students for inexpensive learning environments, including hardware (e.g. multilingual keyboards) and software, be acknowledged. [NEL09]
We recommend international funding schemes for creating NEL teaching and learning materials, such as handbooks, CD-ROMs, Web materials, ODL broadcast, multifunctional model and practice corpora, etc. [NEL10]
We recommend the creation of an international forum dedicated to NEL computing, where teachers and students can meet and exchange information, experiences, etc. [NEL11]
We recommend systematic teacher training through affordable, publicly funded workshops, tutorials, summer schools, etc., with the participation of the industries of the field. [NEL12]
We recommend awareness actions to make students and prospective students aware of the offers in NEL (in particular new job profiles) including computer applications in NEL. [NEL13]
We recommend, as a matter of general policy, the broadening of European NEL actions to include other countries and to cease being overly euro-centric. [NEL14]
We recommend that co-operation should be sought with East European countries, which despite their expertise in NEL are too frequently excluded from the electronic arena. [NEL15]
We recommend the inclusion of non-European countries, in particular those whose languages are the object of study, in all actions. [NEL16]