General recommendations for Communication Disorders
provided by Anu Klippi & Margaret Leahy
- It is recommended that work towards the further development of Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) as a recognised academic discipline should continue. It is important to recognise its multidisciplinary links and to encourage theoretical developments and research in both the art of clinical practice and the science of intervention.
- It is recommended that teaching and learning strategies that facilitate the application of theory to therapy should be developed and exploited, and that the development of the professional skills that lead to the generation of reflective practitioners should be facilitated.
- It is recommended that closer collaboration between SLT educators, pre-clinical and clinical educators should be encouraged in order to provide good cases or problems for students' learning.
- It is recommended that academic and clinical teachers in SLT should have access to continuous training opportunities aimed at helping them to meet the challenges posed by the introduction of new pedagogical methods.
- It is recommended that further work should be done at a European level to evaluate educational and professional standards in SLT and to facilitate good practice in education.
- CPLOL (Commité Permanent de Liason des Orthophoniste-Logopèdes de la C.E.E.) advocates a variety of clinical placements in the basic education of SLTs. In line with Socrates objectives, we would advocate student and staff exchanges between a variety of academic institutions, facilitating the development of equality of standards in SLT across Europe.