CL and speech processing need to cooperate in building links to industry. [CL-10]
There is a need for new researchers in CL. [CL-1]
There is a need for new researchers in PHON for basic research in speech sciences and for applications in the field of speech technology and speech therapy. [PHON-1]
Internationally funded RTD programmes should continue to support projects for the development of advanced teaching tools for CL. [CL-16]
Future research projects in CL should be explicitly required to make their results available for educational reuse. [CL-17]
We recommend that work towards open public standards for encoding all languages of the world is stimulated with a view to enabling the transfer and sharing of scarce academic textual resources in those languages. [NEL02]
We recommend more intensive exchange of scholarly resources and techniques between industry and academia. [NEL04]
We recommend that industry and academia stimulate the exchange of scholars and industrial researchers. [NEL05]
We recommend that academia take industrial needs of recruitment into account (with consequences for curricula, job profiles and life-long learning). [NEL07]
We recommend the definition of agreed standards of cooperation with industry. [NEL08]
To improve and to strength the links between industry (research and development laboratories) and universities in the area of SLE. [SLE-02]
The adaptation of educational technology infrastructure to current innovations imposed by the market or research imperatives. [SLE-07]
Larger coordinated efforts are needed to attract larger student numbers. [CL-3]
Larger coordinated efforts are needed to bundle scarce teaching competencies. [CL-4]
Larger coordinated efforts are needed to develop innovative pedagogical resources. [CL-5]
Links between education and research need to be strengthened. [CL-11]
Lifelong learning needs to take place. [CL-12]
The summer schools and courses organized by ELSNET, FOLLI and others need to continue. [CL-13]
The CL community may be interested in establishing international degrees in CL in its own right. If this happens, then certification and accreditation will be important, as it has been for the Master's in Language and Speech in which ESCA and EACL are involved. [CL-15]
Institutions for higher education should consider open and distance learning schemes and life-long learning in CL. [CL-20]
An increase of highly competent teaching staff at institutions offering CL is needed. [CL-21]
We recommend that reforms in CL education not be limited to the level of higher education. It is necessary to initiate wide preparatory measures at other levels of education. Awareness raising and competence raising measures in secondary education can for instance take the form of job orientation with respect to the language industries and the integration of NLP tools in grammar teaching and foreign language teaching. [CL-22]
We recommend that traineeship (internship) should be part of NEL students' curricula. [NEL06]
We recommend systematic teacher training through affordable, publicly funded workshops, tutorials, summer schools, etc., with the participation of the industries of the field. [NEL12]
The introduction and the extension of updated curriculum on SLE education in universities to develop strategic needs accross multilingual Europe. [SLE-01]
The definition of a coherent system for acquisition of competencies and skills through dedicated training models addressed to various job profiles and to expected changes in the SLE market. [SLE-03]
Continuous interdisciplinary professional development for teaching staff in speech technology in the context of life long learning and modern teaching methodologies. [SLE-06]
For universities in Central and Eastern Europe it is imperative to strength the links with similar institutions from EU in order to set up new curricula, to retrain the staff and to develop the educational and research infrastructure according to well recognized standards. [SLE-08]
Larger coordinated efforts are needed to continue the promotion of research and innovations in SLE for developing new applications using the integration of speech and language. [SLE-09]
Industry, national and international bodies should continue to support projects for the development, testing and evaluation of advanced training modules for SLE, including ODL and LLL. ISCA-SIG on education can play an important role. [SLE-11]
To continue the organisation of summer schools in the idea of the integration of speech and language. [SLE-12]
CL must not forget that theory is also important, and the balance between theory and practice needs always to be there. [CD-7]
Old barriers between the humanities and science/engineering must be lowered. [CL-8]
Old barriers between the humanities and science/engineering must be lowered. [PHON-6]