Report from Working Group 5: Promotion and Facilities

Jewels meeting at Northern College, Sep. 29 - Oct. 1, 2000

Eva Wigforss & Mick Perkins - 1 October 2000

  1. Remit agreed in Prague:
  1. Discussion of layout, resulting in following suggested changes:
Welcome -> What is JEWELS?
Audience -> Who is JEWELS for?
Scope -> What is Language and Speech?
Organisation & Coordination -> Who designed JEWELS?
  1. Spent rest of time working on content of 'General'
    1. Best way to promote JEWELS is that people remain within the JEWELS site, and are not redirected too obviously to other sites. This means inclusion of demos, images and video clips at this level. Currently this is not possible with the VDIVDE system.
    2. Recommendations:

    3. 'What is JEWELS': description of whole site with navigation map
      "Who is JEWELS for?':
Who is JEWELS for?
  • Potential students / interested public 
  • Find out what Language and Speech Sciences are all about, and why they are fun and challenging to study [ADD SHORT VIDEO/AUDIO DEMO]
  • Students 
  • Learn about other course modules in Europe in the preparation for a visit abroad 
  • Find out about interesting summer courses and other short courses 
  • Make use of online tutorials and materials to supplement your studies [ADD SHORT VIDEO/AUDIO DEMO]
  • Language and speech professionals 
  • Contact university departments to learn about latest scientific developments 
  • Access software and tools useful in your work [ADD SHORT VIDEO/AUDIO DEMO]
  • Teachers and lecturers 
  • Find up-to-date materials and tools that can be used for improving your lectures 
  • Find and contact colleagues with similar interests 
  • Read recommendations on how to develop new directions in the curriculum [ADD SHORT VIDEO/AUDIO DEMO]
  • Managers and policy makers 
  • Read recommendations that stress the importance of Language and Speech studies in higher education curricula 
  • Learn about suggestions to increase student awareness in Language and Speech studies [ADD SHORT VIDEO/AUDIO DEMO]
'What is Language and Speech?:
Add 'Linguistics'
Each subject field should include multimedia demo ó for example using BALDI as demonstrator; e.g. for Communication Disorders include video clip of BALDI stuttering
'Who designed JEWELS?':
Copyright issues