New Web interface will be better. Gives the possibility of preview. But for editing purposes, MagiCom will always use designated editors. They do not invent editors by themselves but use any given editor on the machine.
Everything, which is permitted by HTML and refers to URL's instead of File links. This is also true for JavaScript, CSS, and partly DHTML
Uwe: Gerrit sends style sheet, which has to be implemented.
Quite flexible (see 1.1.6).
Yes! Depending of course on the manpower paid for by the project.
Can only be decided, if technical details known (which avatar, Platform, etc.). Cost still to be decided.
Yes, template must be made appropriately.
Yes, as many as needed. We have to agree on a naming system not to get confused too much.
Yes. We have to open a new root instance, assign rights to it. Then it is up to the editor to link this instance to other or not. Will be displayed if someone knows the ID.
No problem if next/previous stay on the same level. Order numbers are used for deciding which is next/previous. Button going up or downs are also possible. Must be included in templates.
This information can be stored in the database along with the content. With special templates we could give a list of pages which are outdated.
No action of VDI/VDE-IT necessary before Sheffield meeting.
Yes. The delegation of editor rights is done by VDI/VDE-IT. "Some" editors are ok. But if there are too many editors it is neither good for watching the rights assignment or for the site itself. Best solution seems to have only few editors.
Uwe: Gerrits idea here is to editors for the "main" sections or "books" (see 3.1.7). I strongly made the point that is not good to have many more than approx. 5, he accepted. I think that this is ok. We agreed to wait for the Web interface before doing that.
VDI/VDE-IT has not received the logos yet.
Uwe: Will be send by Gerrit and/or Koenraad.
Uwe: It stays as it is for the moment. VDI/VDE-IT will ask professional designers
Uwe: remove line.
Uwe: see 3.1
Uwe: see 3.1
Uwe: append "s" at the end.
Uwe: see 3.1
Uwe: see 3.1
Uwe: see 3.1
Currently a full text search is available over all text elements in MagiCom. Other types cannot be search as of today (for some there is a workaround). Staps is working on a generalisation.
Full text search in the Courses database is also available and implemented.
Uwe: mail Gerrit how many nodes he will need, add the nodes and assign rights to them.
Currently this is possible only with a workaround for a maximum of two languages. Basis is a special template. A general solution is planned, but we do not have a delivery date yet.
Uwe: No clear decision at the moment. Gerrit thinks of having a starting page allowing selecting different languages. This can be done by introducing a new node (see 1.2.15) and then add pages as needed.
Navigation on the left side questionable, better seem "real" buttons on the bottom/top. If wanted, it will be done but we have to make the gafical buttons.
Jürgen: Browse Institution à List of sites. Search Courses à Search page; Add Course à a) New for editors, b) go to Default (login) page. Have a special "Registration page" and remove it from the default page.
Appears on every page.
Implemented as navigation on the bottom and search mask.
See 2.1.1
Wait for getting help text from Gerrit.
Done on the browse sites page.
Both work now, done.
Jürgen: See 3.2.2
Jürgen: Make navigation bar much simpler for the everyday user!
Jürgen: Click on course title à goes to the "local" course details. Remove the link on Sites. In Details make Organisation, Department, ... clickable.
solved by 2.1.9
solved by 2.1.9
Discuss, get recommendations and texts.
Jürgen: Implement "Additional Information" see 3.2.3
Solved see above.
Could be done. We need a map and a list of sites to prepare it.
Wait till answer from Gerrit or Anders.
Look at current version.
Solved with the modifications under 3.2.
Jürgen: General redesign necessary, see 3.3. A prototype must be ready before Sheffield meeting.
Uwe: Try to find better colors.
Uwe: please do this.
Uwe: correct spelling.
Uwe: Details have to be discussed again via phone or mail with Gerrit. The idea is to have navigation on the left side for only three levels. Starting on level 4, keep the left navigation constant and have navigation on the top of the page, but only within this section and level. See Gerrit "geneolgy" pages, ask him for the URL, I lost the bookmark.
Uwe: First have always Arial maybe bold. No italics, no underlining. A special character link "*" or ">" could be displayed in front of the active line. This is only a first measure, we might have to change this to something you find in They seemed to like this kind of buttons but even these do not show the state. May be we have to ask Staps to come up with the graphical buttons as we have already discussed.
Uwe: Both navigation entries and possibly the search should be displayed in the left navigation under the dynamic navigation tree. They should appear on every page. As they are static, we could use graphics here. Decide what looks best.
Uwe: This should be a good strategy for navigation. Maybe we could even use in HLTCentral. The entries on top lead to different books. In order to show where we are, the currently pressed button must be highlighted in some way.
Jürgen: Default labels for all links (Institution, Department, Course, Other), which can be overridden.
Jürgen will devise a scheme to do this.
All tasks for Jürgen. Will start after his holiday and finished for Sheffield with a prototype containing example data. After Sheffield we will go live with it. Co-ordination is with Koenraad de Smedt (personal: In official pages use if an email is needed.
This can be done only for a period they have not left the page. If they want to edit later, this will only be possible via editor.
(Remember to keep a link to the old version)
Look at "".